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发布日期:2023-03-04    作者:佚名     点击:
职称 副教授

曾凡力,1985年出生,博士,教授,博士生导师,国际教育交流学院副院长。西班牙Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona博士(2010年—2014年),北京大学博士后(2014年—2016年)。入选河北省“三三三人才工程”,河北农大学科高峰人才,获得河北农大首届五四青年奖章。beat365中文官方网站教授委员会委员,国家重点实验室学术骨干,“生物与医药”专业硕士点负责人。担任Nature Communications等国际期刊审稿专家,《微生物学通报》编委。目前主持国家自然科学基金2项以及河北省优秀青年科学基金、河北省拔尖人才项目、引进留学人员基金等项目。

在基础研究领域,实验室主要以酿酒酵母为模式生物研究真核RNA聚合酶组装的分子机制。同时,实验室开展真菌与植物互作分子机制研究。以第一(通讯)作者在Int J Biol Macromol、FASEB Journal、Molecular Plant Pathology、Molecular and Cellular Biology等主流期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,编写Methods in Molecular Biology丛书章节1篇。在应用领域开展微生物资源的开发与利用研究,包括微生物药物、微生物肥料和饲料的研发。已授权发明专利6件,并实现成果转化。




















1)Lujie Ma#, Debao Xie#, Xiangdong Zhao#, Le Wang, Lifeng Hou, Xueqin Liu, Zhaoying Li, Hongqian Cheng, Jing Zhang, Mengdi Gao,Fanli Zeng*. Npa3-Gpn3 cooperate to assemble RNA polymerase II and prevent clump of its subunits in the cytoplasm. Int J Biol Macromol, 206:837-848, 2022. (IF:8.025)

2)Debao Xie#, Xiangdong Zhao#, Lujie Ma#, Le Wang, Pan Li, Hongqian Cheng, Zhaoying Li, Pei Zeng, Jing Zhang,Fanli Zeng*. Rba50 and Gpn2 recruit the second largest subunits for the assembly of RNA polymerase II and III. Int J Biol Macromol, 204:565-575, 2022. (IF:8.025)

3)Fanli Zeng*#, Yanan Meng#, Zhimin Hao, Pan Li, Weibo Zhai, Shen Shen, Zhiyan Cao, Jingao Dong*.Setosphaeria turcicaATR turns off appressorium-mediated maize infection and triggers melanin-involved self protection in response to genotoxic stress. Molecular Plant Pathology. 21(3):401-414, 2020.

4)Lujie Ma#, Le Wang#, Mengdi Gao#, Xinjie Zhang, Xiangdong Zhao , Debao Xie, Jing Zhang, Zhen Wang, Lifeng Hou,Fanli Zeng*. Rtr1 is required for Rpb1-Rpb2 assembly of RNAPII and prevents their cytoplasmic clump formation. FASEB Journal, 2022, 36(11):e22585.

5)Xueqin Liu#, Debao Xie#, Yu Hua, Pei Zeng, Lujie Ma,Fanli Zeng*. Npa3 interacts with Gpn3 and assembly factor Rba50 for RNA polymerase II biogenesis. FASEB Journal, 34(11):15547-15558, 2020.

6)Fanli Zeng*#, Yu Hua#, Xiaoqin Liu, Sijie Liu, Kejing Lao, Ze Zhang, Daochun Kong*. Gpn2 and Rba50 directly participate in the assembly of the Rpb3 sub-complex in the biogenesis of RNA Polymerase II. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 14, 38(13), 2018.

7)Pan Li#, Xueqin Liu#, Zhimin Hao*, Yanrong Jia, Xiangdong Zhao, Debao Xie, Jingao Dong,Fanli Zeng*. Dual repressive function by Cip1, a budding yeast analog of p21, in cell-cycle START regulation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:0-1623, 2020.

8)Yanan Meng#,Fanli Zeng*#, Jingjing Hu, Pan Li, Shenglin Xiao, Lihong Zhou, Jiangang Gong, Yuwei Liu, Zhimin Hao, ZHiyan Cao, Jingao Dong*. Novel factors contributing to fungal pathogenicity at early stages ofSetosphaeria turcicainfection. Molecular Plant Pathology. 23(1):32-44, 2022.

9)Yuxiao Hu#, Yanrong Jia#, Xiangdong Zhao, Zihao Yang, Zhimin Hao*, Jingao Dong*,Fanli Zeng*. A new strategy for seamless gene editing and marker recycling inSaccharomyces cerevisiaeusing lethal effect of Cwp1. MicrobiologyOpen. 11:e750, 2019.

10)Yanrong Jia#, Ping Ren#, Shixin Duan, Pei Zeng, Debao Xie,Fanli Zeng*. An optimized yeast display strategy for efficient scFv antibody selection using ribosomal skipping system and thermo resistant yeast. Biotechnology Letters, 41(8-9):1067-1076, 2019.
